Online Programmes-2022

Online summer programmes information:

2022 Proposed Online Summer Programmes by IDO 20220411.pdf

2022 IDO Organized Online Summer Programmes Summary 20220411.pdf

Student Version_List of Course Matching for Overseas SP by AR 2022 (Online Courses)_20220803.pdf

家长手册 20220209.pdf

The information session documents sharing from St. Antony's College, University of Oxford

AI and ML.pdf

Future Cities and Public Policy.pdf

The information session documents sharing from NTU:

Information session video

Password: UIC2022

NTU-UIC Online_EBC_Summer Course_2022_15Feb2022.pdf

The information session video sharing from Lille Catholic University:

Information session video

Yale summer session courses syllabi(2022 courses syllabi will begin to be posted in March):

College of Liberal and Professional Studies, University of Pennsylvania courses syllabi(2022 courses syllabi will begin to be posted in April):

University of British Columbia courses syllabi(2022 courses syllabi will begin to be posted by the end of February):


Please note that the online overseas summer programmes organized by IDO in 2022 are all taught online, so passports are not required. If your passport has expired, you can fill in your expired passport information when applying online. If you do not have a passport, you can fill in the passport number as E12345678, and the date of issue and expiry of your passport are optional.



国际发展处线上暑期项目 - 新加坡国立大学即将开放报名,详情如下!如果同学们感兴趣,欢迎大家报名!


报名日期:2022年4月13日23:55 - 2022年4月18日 23:55

项目费用:2563.22 新加坡币 ≈ 12175.3 人民币

项目时长:4周(6月20 -7月15, 2022)



1.身份证复印件一份 (正反面在同一页纸上)

2.护照照片页复印件一份 (如有就提交)

3.有父母签名的报名表 (需父母签名的报名表)

4.所有学期成绩单原件一份 (含所有学期的成绩单)



Ms. Ann HU & Ms. Jasmine SUN:


电话: 0756-3620440/3620020



Ms. Joann LV:


电话: 0756-3620324



Dear students,

Good News! We are delighted to announce that the application for IDO Overseas Online Summer Programme at National University of Singapore will be open soon, details are as follows:

Course Offerings can be found at:

Online Application Period: 23:55 pm, April 13 - 23:55 pm, April 18, 2022

Tuition Fee: 2563.22 SGD ≈ 12175.3 RMB

Program Duration: June 20 - July 15, 2022

Program application link:

Please submit the following documents to IDO (T4-103) before April. 19, 2022:

1. One copy of your ID card ( both sides on one page)

2. One copy of your passport ( the page with your photo, if any)

3. Printed application form (print out after online application submission with parents’signatures)

4. One original copy of your transcript (transcripts of all previous semesters)

Please note that the final admission of students to the NUS summer program is determined by the program organizer. NUS holds the final right to explain whether or not the program can be operated successfully.

Main contacts:

For consulting online summer programmes:

Ms. Ann HU & Ms. Jasmine SUN:


Tel: 0756-3620440/3620020

For consulting credit transfer:

Ms. Joann LV::


Tel: 0756-3620324

International Development Office