First Winner of the Academic Excellence Study Abroad Scholarship

In addition to the regular tuition-waiver exchange programmes, IDO also organizes tuition-based study abroad programmes for students interested in studying at top institutions for one semester. In order to increase the incentive to apply for one of these programmes, especialy at prestigious partner institutions , the Undergraduate Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee has approved to implement the Academic Excellence Study Abroad Scholarship scheme to bestow outstanding students participating in the tuition-based study abroad programmes a bursary up to one semester of UIC tuition.



Mr. WU Kunchi who majors in Media and Communication Studies demonstrates excellent academic performances and great desire to adapt and grow. After careful consideration, the Undergraduate Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee has decided to award him the first Academic Excellence Study Abroad Scholarship. He will embark on his study abroad journey at the University of Edinburgh in late September, 2021.

As Mr. Wu Kumchi expressed, it was euphoria for him to be given the scholarship and having the College’s support in this unparalleled tough year was pleasing and proud.